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Instructor Courses
SAFE POWERBOAT HANDLING INSTRUCTOR (Click here to learn more) The Safe Powerboat Handling (SPH) Instructor Course prepares experienced boat operators to teach the student level Safe powerboat Handling and Accelerated…
Instructor Insurance
Certified Instructor (CI) Insurance Coverage. US Sailing’s commercial insurance covers US Powerboating Certified Instructors (CI) only in specific situations. Learn More Click here for a set of FAQ’s, to…
Instructor Trainer Courses
INSTRUCTOR TRAINER (IT) COURSE DESCRIPTIONS Registration for Instructor Trainer courses is done only through invitation and application. SAFE POWERBOAT HANDLING INSTRUCTOR TRAINER The Safe Powerboat Handling Instructor Trainer course is…
Apply to be an Instructor Trainer
Thank you for your interest in becoming an Instructor Trainer for US Powerboating. US Powerboating Instructor Trainers represent the highest level of experience in the field of powerboat training. Acceptance…
Mariners Learning System
US Sailing is pleased to announce a new partnership with Mariners Learning System to provide US Sailing members with access to U.S. Coast Guard Approved Captain’s Licensing Courses and Exams…
This page is designed to connect Accredited Powerboat Schools looking for US Sailing Certified Powerboat Instructors and for Certified Powerboat Instructors looking for work, either seasonal or permanent, with an…
Chicago Corinthian Yacht Club
Chicago, Illinois (773) 334-9100…
Hawaii Yacht Club
Honolulu, Hawaii (808) 949-7547…
Night Operations Endorsement
To responsibly operate a cruising powerboat at night within sight of land. Equipment It is required that Night Operation Endorsement courses and examinations be conducted on cruising powerboats with adequate…