Home Docking & Securing
- Practice and develop the boathandling skills of returning to a dock and/or slip and securing the boat.
Setting Up the Drill:
- Equipment: powerboats rigged with bow, stern and spring lines, and fenders
- For beginning operators, use a dockside that aligns with the wind or current (whichever is stronger).
- For sufficiently advanced operators, use a dockside that has a crosswind or crosscurrent (whichever is stronger).
Conducting the Drill:
- Operator in each boat will brief crew, and will dock and secure the boat.
Teaching Tips:
- This drill is usually used for operators with some experience.
- For first-time operators without a trainer onboard, the Rubber Docking Drill should be used until the operators have developed their skills enough to avoid hitting the dock hard.
Common Errors:
- Making approach at a speed greater than minimum control speed.
- Turning the engine (or rudder) in the wrong direction when reversing to bring the boat parallel to the dock.
- Safe Powerboating Handling On-Water Skill Standards 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 8.1, 8.2 and their rubrics
- Start Powerboating Right! textbook pp. 38, 54, 55, 56, 57, 61 & 62 (rudder steering)